
We, the four organizations—Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), Advocacy Forum, Lawyer’s Association for the Human Rights of Nepal’s Indigenous Peoples (LAHURNIP) and Terai Human Rights Defenders Alliance (THRDA)—would like to urge the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to timely respond to a letter sent by the Global Alliance for Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI).

In a letter sent to the NHRC on 23 March 2021, GANHRI raised its concern that the recent appointment of the NHRC members has contradicted the NHRC’s compliance with the Paris Principles on the independence and effectiveness of National Human Rights Institutions endorsed by the United Nations. As per the letter, NHRC has to furnish the answers and reply to GANHRI within 15 days.
GANHRI has written to NHRC in response to the submission made by the four organizations – AHRC, AF, LAHURNIP and THRDA on 19 March 2021.

Please Click Here to read the letter.

(Source: Asian Human Rights Commission)