Upon request by the family members, Terai Human Rights Defenders’ Alliance provided financial support to Jiv Kumar Thakur (also known as Chhotu Thakur) on Sunday. He was critically injured in a bomb blast in Kathmandu last May. THRDA’s representative Sunil Kumar Chauhan handed over Rs 15,000 to Thakur.

THRDA’s representative Sunil Kumar Chauhan hands over the cash amount (NPR 15,000) to the victim.

On 26 May 2019, Thakur, a permanent resident of Mahottari district, was injured after a cooker bomb went off in his barber shop in Sukedhara, Kathmandu. Three persons were killed while four others, including him, got severe injuries in the blast.

Following the blast, Thakur was taken to National Trauma Centre, where he spent months for treatments. He said that he had to sell all his belongings while undergoing treatments.

During our visit, he informed that he has not received any financial supports from the government. He is still receiving treatments at the hospitals. He is in a dire need of financial assistance for further treatments.